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 Multiply all elements of an array by a value or an array of values


    A_MULTIPLY(  <aTarget>,
                   [<nValue> | <aValues>],
                   [<aSource>] )


    <aTarget> is the array to be modified.  If <aSource> is not
    specified then each element of <aTarget> will be multiplied by the
    <nValue> or element by element by <aValue>.

    <nValue> or <aValue> is either a value or an array of values to be

    <aSource> is an optional array of values.  If specified, then each
    element of <aTarget> will be filled with the corresponding value
    in <aSource> multiplied by <aValue> or <nValue>.


    Although there is no return value, the <aTarget> array is modified.


    A_MULTIPLY() provides a means to perform a multiplication of every
    element in the <aSource> array if specified or the <aTarget> array
    if not. Each element of the <aSource> or <aTarget> array will be
    multiplied by <nValue> or <aValue>.  The result of the
    multiplication replaces the value in the <aTarget> array.

    A_MULTIPLY() can be performed on any integer or floating point
    type array.  These include the (T)iny, (I)integer, (L)ong, (F)loat
    and (D)ouble (both signed and unsigned integers, of course).
    Mixing of these types is allowed, however, if the <aTarget> array
    is of integer type, decimals will be truncated.


    If the <aTarget> and the <aSource> arrays are not the same
    dimensions, the results will be a multiplication element for
    element as the arrays are aligned in memory.  See chapter two for
    how arrays are aligned in memory.


    // Declare three double type arrays for this function.
    LOCAL rows, cols

    rows = 10
    cols = 20
    aSource = A_DECLARE( "D", rows, cols )
    aTarget = A_DECLARE( "D", rows, cols )
    aMultiplier = A_DECLARE( "D", rows, cols )

    // Fill the target array with 10's
    A_FILL( aTarget, 10, A_(1, 1), rows * cols )

    // Multiply every element in the target array by 2
    A_MULTIPLY( aTarget, 2 )
    ? A_RETRIEVE( aTarget, A_( 4, 5 ) )    // Result: 20.0

    // Fill the source array with 10's
    A_FILL( aSource, 10, A_(1, 1), rows * cols )

    // Multiply every element in the source array by five and
    // put the result in the target array.
    A_MULTIPLY( aTarget, 5, aSource )
    ? A_RETRIEVE( aTarget, A_( 4, 5 ) )    // Result: 50.0

    // Fill the multiplier array with 4's
    // Remember the source array still has all 10's
    A_FILL( aMultiplier, 4, A_(1, 1), rows * cols )

    // Multiply every element in the source array by every element
    // in the multiplier array and put the result in the target
    // array.
    A_MULTIPLY( aTarget, aMultiplier, aSource )
    ? A_RETRIEVE( aTarget, A_( 4, 5 ) )    // Result: 40.0

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